"We can dream forever, but we have to do something now"
di suatu Minggu sore saat sibuk menekan tombol remote secara dengan range angka 0-9. ku tertegun pada satu acara tv. di TVRI. jarang-jarang nonton TVRI kecuali kalo ada cerdas cermatnya.hehehe...
tapi waktu itu ga tau kenapa i got interested to watch the biography session.
it was about Rell Sun.
I followed her life story from the beginning till the end.
A woman whom the tv guy called as -an-Ironic-Woman. the way how she struggle from the breast cancer and her love for the sea.
pada saat ia menikmati puncak karirnya, Rell didiagnosa mengidap kanker payudara. pada saat itu ia berusia 32 tahun.
the way how she loves surfing, diving..
the way how she loves the sea...
the spirit.its so lovely.
the way how she inspired so many people.
the way how she inspired so many children who called her Aunt Rell.
i love her..!!!
no wonder her name is Rell Kapolioka`ehukai Sunn as
Kapolioka`ehukai maens "Heart of the Sea"
ci pun lagi nyari film "Heart of the Sea" karna itu bercerita tentang biografi nya Rell.
tapi blumdapet2...hikshikshiks...^^

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