Minggu, 16 Desember 2007


Listening to...
"Sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you....."

jam menunjukkan pukul 6:43 wib
jam 0900 nanti ada kerja lab...
trus sorenya kuliah dech...
lapeeer nih ngomong2...
ga ada makanan..^o^
dengerin lagu sugar, sugar...
buka jendela...menghirup udara pagi hari...
tapi langitnya ga terlalu cerah...mendung...tertutup awan tebal...
wahhh...cu udah bangun pagi...hehehe...iya..secara ci ga bisa tidur...
belum bobo nich...
missed my fams a lot
missed my friends yang nan jauah di mato...but close to heart...

hari ini mu ngaps yak?
ngerangkum materi...beberes...doin' my daily activities aja...

things are alryt when i see things with one eye closed and see things straight
but when i open both of my eyes and try to look around, i realized how messed up it is
realizing that,sumtimes i pretend not to see things that i dont want to see
and i just thought of gud things around
bringing my positive thoughts...

thanks to u .

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