Rabu, 05 September 2007


setiap kali buka internet explorer, site yang pertama terbuka adalah msn.com
so, what's the news for today ???
and what caught my eyes is about the popcorn's topics.the news is...
4 major popcorn makers to drop toxic chemical
Companies working to remove buttery flavoring linked to lung disease

these are the lines written in the page
Several of the companies discussed their plans Wednesday, a day after a leading lung research hospital warned that consumers also could be in danger from the buttery flavoring diacetyl.
The three companies that sell Orville Redenbacher, Act II, Pop Secret and Jolly Time microwave popcorn said they planned to change the recipes for their butter-flavored microwave popcorn to remove diacetyl.
The chemical diacetyl has been linked to cases of bronchiolitis obliterans, a rare life-threatening disease often called popcorn lung.


i love popcorn!
but my family used to make it. tapi bikinan sendiri... home made.ummm...nice...
my family like to cook. they cook everything. even Jay (my lil brother) knows how too make simple food.
when we made our food, we dont have to worry about chemical things contains in ...it except if the ingredients already contains chemical things. even Ndu likes to cook too. AND ME ?


"We can dream forever, but we have to do something now"

di suatu Minggu sore saat sibuk menekan tombol remote secara dengan range angka 0-9. ku tertegun pada satu acara tv. di TVRI. jarang-jarang nonton TVRI kecuali kalo ada cerdas cermatnya.hehehe...
tapi waktu itu ga tau kenapa i got interested to watch the biography session.
it was about Rell Sun.
I followed her life story from the beginning till the end.
A woman whom the tv guy called as -an-Ironic-Woman. the way how she struggle from the breast cancer and her love for the sea.
pada saat ia menikmati puncak karirnya, Rell didiagnosa mengidap kanker payudara. pada saat itu ia berusia 32 tahun.

the way how she loves surfing, diving..
the way how she loves the sea...
the spirit.its so lovely.
the way how she inspired so many people.
the way how she inspired so many children who called her Aunt Rell.

i love her..!!!

no wonder her name is Rell Kapolioka`ehukai Sunn as
Kapolioka`ehukai maens "Heart of the Sea"
ci pun lagi nyari film "Heart of the Sea" karna itu bercerita tentang biografi nya Rell.
tapi blumdapet2...hikshikshiks...^^


Beberapa waktu lalu...like a months ago Ndu and I used to consume fast food almost everyday like McD or KFC.
itu karna kadang kita pulang kerja nya agak malem dan males untuk nyari makan lagi. secara McD nya berada tepat di sebelah gedung dimana kita kerja.so its just a one way stop.setelah beberapa bulan dengan pola makan seperti itu. i feel not-so-fit.
bawaannya badan ini tuh berat banget.ga enak pokoknya. so, i thought it was probably because of pola makan yg salah and kinda unhealthy one. apalagi tanpa olah raga.
wow.. it make sense why i feel so-not-fit.
but it wont be fair if i judge something only using my own perception. after i browse these facts bout fast food...
well i guess beberapa kutipan ini mungkin akan membantu...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food :
"Fast food is food that can be prepared and served very quickly. Stereotypical restaurant fast food is cooked in bulk and in advance and kept warm, or reheated to order. Fast food can also include TV dinners and other foods that can be cooked easily by the consumer, and food from restaurants that cook their food to order but specialize in doing so quickly."

http://www.helpguide.org/life/fast_food_nutrition.htm :
When choosing, be aware of highly caloric additions such as salad dressings, cheese, sour cream, etc. Sometimes, making your choice healthier is as simple as removing the condiments. For example, ask for a grilled chicken sandwich without the mayonnaise. Many restaurants are making progress and offering alternatives like salads with low calorie, fat free dressings, or grilled chicken sandwiches on whole wheat rolls, but if they don't, see what you can do to make your choice more nutritious and less fattening.

Below are some important things to remember about fast food/restaurant dining for kids :
1. Soda is highly caloric and not nutritious – kids should have water or milk instead.
2.Avoid chicken nuggets – fried nuggets are sorry imposters of real chicken.
3.Skip the fries - consider taking along a bag of mini carrots, grapes or other fruits and vegetables to have instead. This will add vitamins and fiber to the meal. Order the kids meal with some substitutions. Children often love the kid's meal more for the fun box and toys than for the food. Let them order the kid's meal, but ask to make substitutions for the soda and the fries if possible. Many restaurants are making it easier to substitute and all usually have water and milk available as beverage options. In sit-down restaurants, help them opt for chicken and vegetables or spaghetti with tomato sauce rather than a big plate of macaroni and cheese.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food :
Because of its convenience, fast food is popular and commercially successful in most modern societies, but it is often
criticized for having the following shortcomings, among others:
-Many popular fast-food menu items are unhealthy, and excessive consumption (where excessive is generally defined as two or more times per week) can lead to obesity.
-Exploitative advertising and marketing are used, especially directed at children (which can have an adverse effect on their eating habits and health).
-It causes environmental damage through excessive packaging and clearing forests for animal rearing. It reduces the diversity of local cuisines.
-It survives on a low-wage, low-benefit employment model, promoting exploitative labor practices throughout the food and food service industry Certain franchising programs (royalties). Often lower quality versus sit-down restaurants. The fast-food industry is a popular target for critics, from would-be populists like José Bové (whosedestruction of a McDonald's in France made him a folk hero to some) to vegetarian activist groups such as PETA.

In his best-selling 2001 book Fast Food Nation, investigative journalist Eric Schlosser leveled a broad, socio-economic
critique against the fast food industry, documenting how fast food rose from small, family-run businesses (like the hello McDonald brothers' burger joint) into large, multinational corporate juggernauts whose economies of scale radically transformed agriculture, meat processing and labor markets in the late twentieth century. While the innovations of the fast food industry gave Americans more and cheaper dining options, it has come at the price of destroying the environment, economy and small-town communities of rural America while shielding consumers from the real costs of their convenient meal, both in terms of health and the broader impact of large-scale food production and processing on workers, animals and land.

well, u can also check the site about the nutrients facts about those fast food.probably we can eat fast food but not to forget to be always balance about anything.
balance in what we consume, Just keep things in Balance...

Senin, 03 September 2007

no idea !

beginilah nasib orang yang blum berpengalaman.
aku merasakannya....aku mengalaminya....
blum berpengalaman dalam hal resignation yang jadinya ampe sekarang masalah itu blon kelar-kelar.
blum berpengalaman dalam bekerja dengan serius yang jadinya ampe sekarang kerjaan ku gitu2 aja...ga ada kemajuan dan alhasil ga pernah stress karna ngerjainnya asik2 aja.
blum berpengalaman ngadepin orang yang jadinya kadang berani tapi kadang juga suka nyumput (sambil berdoa...mudah2an orangnya ga ngeliat)
blum berpengalaman ngatur emosi dan cara berfikir yang jadinya ampe sekarang masih mood2an dalem ngadepin sesuatu, kalo lagee bersemangat ya (you go Girl!!!), klu lagi males (wess...jangan ditanya...)

ya....thats totally me...^^

can u pronounce "totally"???
i love to hear it in the way how an animated character say it...like....ummmm....Nemo...Yup! thats it. Nemo...
i guess...^^
its sounds like dhothallei...like that.smooth and childish.u may try...^^

hhhhmmm...i was supposed to be in a class now. having a class. one thing that makes me not to feel bad is that...
u knowww....i am a type of person who cant think in a fastly.
i mean in a class. especially logical maths class...the lecturer explained so fast, not too fast...just average fast.
c'mon man....i cudnt get it!!!!
ummm....when my eyes try to capture the x and y thing written in the board, trying to communicate with my brain...not just saying 'hello' or tried to be seen but made my brain to think what was that and count it right, its seems difficult. it seems i was left behind. seeing other student node their head that made me to think that...
"well, they got it." but me....???? D'huh?!?!?! i keep on writing and pretend i did it too (promising myself i wud learn it at home again).
but then, after a couple of days..i knew that it wasn't only me who got that problem. others too.
not only me (i really think i shud bold this) then i can smile :P , coz i just thought sumthing is wrong with me.
but now i guess..its all normal...coz others feels it too.
but then...i was thinking bout being accepted as a normal?
is the word normal reffers to something deals majority? is it so?
when sumthings weird and goes wrong? do we call it abnormal?
why do i feel like that???

anyway...being here...infront of the monitor, hoping that i cud go home as soon as possible.
i wanna watch Friends. i watched it last night. and i've got 4 episodes left.
i cried...my tears burst like i-dont-know-wat-to-call.
its so touching.lovely.
-- S.O-L.O.V.E.L.Y !.!.!.! --
oh one thing...i watched The Oprah Show when she disscused bout a movie bout the football team of Marshall University.
The Marshall was based on a true story and i watched that movie yesterday.
it was amaZzzzing...!!!
i cried coz it was really nice.
i luv it...i luv it...!!!
We are....Marshall!!!!

there are lists of movie that i want to watch.
-Cintapucino, blood diamond, the last king of scotland.
those are the movie i want to watch.

and one thing. Prison break.... tHat guy is so cool isn't he???
before starting another serial movie....wat happened to Heroes ???

well..i have to watch it...

Minggu, 02 September 2007

What a plan

Selesei kuliah Kapita Selekta, ci bergegas ke kantin untuk makan siang, pulang ke kosan, mandi dan solat. sekitar pukul 1300 udah nampang di depan kosan berharap angkot 05 yang merah itu lewat depan kosan. tapi setelah setangah jam menunggu dan muka udah rada-rada tebel tertutup debu, ci putusin untuk nannya ke Ayu, temen kosan ku, dia bilang emang lama dan ci pun disuruh jalan aja ampe nemu pangkalan angkot.
okey, then i walked down the street. it was really hot out there. i guessed this is one of the effect of global warming. u know, every little change about the weather, we begin to think it as the GW effects. anyway, so i found one angkot. dan sampailah ci ke Leuwi Panjang.
naek bus PJ yang ke Lebak Bulus. di depan ada batita yang lucu banget. he tried to speak to me. but as i already forget the language that i actually used like 19 years ago, i just smile at him. he was really cute.
nyampe di JKT skitar jam 1700. lumayan cepat lah.... dan what i found there is a long line of vehicles.well, i was kinda bit tired actually. and du was supposed to be there picking me up. but seeing the traffic i'd rather choose to get along with P20. but du will be there waiting for me at Jalan Baru. then finally somehow, i met him. missing him :)
padahal baru seminggu ga ktemunya....Huahuahuaaa....:D

Akhirnya....there i was in my room.kinda messy but its just alright. minggu nya ktemuan ama Dion yang baru aja pulang dari Soroako dan ngumpul2 ama yang laen.
ditraktir pula...duh...senangnya....ma'acih ya Ion...
malemnya...Alex yang pulang.ditraktir lagi deh...duuuh....
nonton Juventus maen sambil makan bareng. duh senangnya ngumpul2 lagi...:D

dan here i am now, yang rencananya pulang ke BDG jam 1100 tadi jadi ga jadi...hikshikshiks...karna...i've to stay at the office and do my job until friday. jadinya...i wont be able to get my classes for this week...thats not a gud thing. but its fine...i mean...well, i cant do anything else. i've to finish what i left as my unfinished tasks here dan sambil ngerjain tugas Resume nya...makasih ya bus atas URL yang kau kirim kan...
i read that.

hhhmmm....wat a plan.
seminggu lagi...hope it will be just fine...^^